As a global leader in package delivery and supply chain solutions, UPS is passionate about innovating new ways to make business work better, from complex international distribution networks to local business deliveries. That’s logistics. And that’s exactly what a career at UPS is all about.From our roots as a Seattle, Washington-based bike-messenger company to our present day, multi-billion-dollar global corporation, our team has held a singular focus―making the world work better for everyone. At the heart of all that we do, you’ll find a true dedication to our people, our customers and the communities we serve.Whether you start with UPS straight out of school like many of our senior managers did, or arrive with years of valuable experience, everyone at UPS has the opportunity to grow. Empowering careers and commerce around the globe takes more than innovative thinkers, collaborative teammates and incredible technology. It calls on the values, purpose and mission that have driven us right from the start.It all begins with talented individuals like you―people who are ready to turn ideas into successful business practices. Explore how UPS jobs can make the world work better for you.UPS Equal Opportunity Statement. We do not discriminate against any applicant for employment or any employee in any aspect of their employment at UPS because of age, race, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, military status, pregnancy, national origin or veteran status.除了在51JOB.COM上投递简历,您也可以登录UPS官方招聘网站,创建个人账号后再投递一次,以便我们将您收录在系统简历库内。 (复制到IE地址栏内)我们提供全方位薪酬福利与职业发展机会:1.具有竞争力的薪酬2.提供完善的社会保险和公积金3.为员工及其子女提供补充商业医疗保险4.提供免费员工体检5.提供员工生日和重大节日礼品6.提供不少于10天的带薪年假7.提供必要的业务培训8.提供多样的员工活动9.提供优先考虑内部员工的职业发展机会----为配合中国海关部门对经认证的物流企业的要求,应聘特定城市和地点报关员或财务部岗位的人员,须在入职后每三年提交一次无犯罪记录证明或相关声明。这些特定城市和地点包括:优比速广东总公司的所在地广州,及其下属8个分公司的所在城市,包括:厦门、成都、北京、大连、青岛、郑州、天津和西安,天津泛艺总公司下属的宁波和上海分公司,以及深圳转运中心和浦东转运中心。(如有变化,以本公司HR确认为准)。